
Empowering SMEs through 4IR Technologies: Artificial Intelligence


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Sustainable supply chains

Investment Project Preparation and Appraisal


Flyer "Investment Project Preparation and Appraisal"

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Cambodia and the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)


The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has impacted nearly all facets of humanity and will most certainly result in changes in how economic and trade activities will be undertaken beyond the pandemic. A key change that all countries have had to undergo is the increased utilization of digital technologies and models to sustain economies and social livelihoods.  On a whole the pandemic which resulted in unprecedented threats and lockdown globally – pushed organizations and enterprises to overcome any doubts they may have had regarding digital solutions.

Global Innovation Summit 2021


Global Federation of Competitiveness Councils (GFCC) is pleased to invite you to to the 2021 Global Innovation Summit (GIS 2021), to be held on December 01-02, in partnership with the U.S. Council on Competitiveness.