Sustainable supply chains
Supply chains are essential to trade, and trade is essential to job creation. To conserve scarce resources, improving sustainable supply chain operations and building a circular economy are a must.
Strengthening quality infrastructure systems contributes to this priority by reducing post-harvest losses, elevating the overall quality of food products and increasing market opportunities. One way in which UNIDO helps to reduce post-harvest losses is by developing the processing of agricultural products. This leads to decreased food loss and food costs, thus increasing food security, while generating job opportunities in rural communities. Food safety and food quality control therefore are key to safeguarding people’s health, contributing to zero hunger and improving livelihoods. This ultimately enhances the economic well-being of producers while providing safer, higher-quality food to consumers. When food safety is assured, food exports can access regional and international markets.
Training: Sustainable supply chains

Impact Investment
The aim of the training is to assist participants to explore how and why it is important to understand the fundamentals of alternative ways of investment, such as impact investing, as well as to introduce aspects of the broad-based, state-of-the-art methodology aimed to measure its impact keeping in mind a wider SDG compliance framework.

Gender Lens Investment Training
Imagine if women played an identical role to men in the labor force, as much as $28 trillion or 26% could be added to global annual GDP by 2025. Considering that it will require between $5-7 trillion of investment capital to address critical challenges outlined in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, Gender Lens Investing is the best silver bullet we have at hand..... time to untap the potential of Gender Lens Investing!

International Business Alliances
This training intendes to help firms from developing countries improve their competitive position and grow domestically and internationally by linking with foreign partners, leveraging the relationships with them, and learning further in order to achieve technological self-sufficiency and innovative capabilities of their own.

Investment Project Preparation and Appraisal Curriculum
The training course aims to develop essential expertise for the identification and appraisal of competitive and sustainable investment projects and provides methodologies to increase their likelihood of bankability.

Industrial Parks Financing and Investment Facilitation
This online course was designed to equip participants with the theory and practice of financing industrial parks development and facilitating investment flows into an industrial park.

Introduction to South-South and Triangular Industrial Cooperation (SSTIC)
This UNIDO self-paced e-learning course on South-South and Triangular Industrial Cooperation (SSTIC) offers a comprehensive overview of these development cooperation modalities, emphasizing their role in advancing sustainable development. The course is designed to be completed in 60-90 minutes and includes real-world case studies to illustrate key concepts.