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603 Publications
Sustainable supply chains
UDHËRRËFYESI ZERO PËR OBJEKTIVAT E ZHVILLIMIT TË QËNDRUESHËM (OZHQ): Axhenda e Gjelbër e Bashkimit Europian për sektorin e tekstilit, veshjeve, lëkurës dhe këpucëve në Shqipëri
Albanian version of the ''The Zero Draft Roadmap for The Sustainable Development Goals: European Union Green Agenda in Albania’s textile, clothing, leather and footwear (TCLF) sector''
The Zero Draft Roadmap for The Sustainable Development Goals: European Union Green Agenda in Albania’s textile, clothing, leather and footwear (TCLF) sector
Національна Нормативна База Стандартів І Технічних Регламентів: Підтримка «Зеленої» Відбудови України
Ukrainian version of the ''The National Guiding Framework for Standards and Technical Regulations: Underpinning the Green Reconstruction of Ukraine'' brochure
Melhorar os corredores comerciais da economia azul na região da SADC: Rumo À Adoção De Uma Estratégia Regional Para Os Postos Fronteiriços De Paragem Única Relativa Aos Produtos Da Pesca No Âmbito Do PROFISHBLUE
Portuguese version of the ''Improving Blue Economy Trade Corridors in the SADC Region: Towards the Adoption of a Regional Strategy for One-Stop Border Posts on Fisheries Products Under PROFISHBLUE'' publication
Améliorer les corridors de commerce bleu dans la région de la SADC: Vers L’adoption D’une Stratégie Régionale Pour Les Postes Frontières Uniques Sur Les Produits De La Pêche Dans Le Cadre Du Programme PROFISHBLUE
French version of the ''Improving Blue Economy Trade Corridors in the SADC Region: Towards the Adoption of a Regional Strategy for One-Stop Border Posts on Fisheries Products Under PROFISHBLUE'' publication