LKDF Forum 2021 Outcome Book is available online
UNIDO is pleased to announce that the Outcome Book of the Learning and Knowledge Development Facility (LKDF) Forum 2021 is now available online.
The LKDF Forum 2021 convened virtually on the 22 September 2021, under the theme of “Digital Skills for an Inclusive Future”, to discuss how fostering digital skills in the midst of the Fourth Industrial Revolution will ultimately result in a more inclusive future for all. The highlights of lively debates featuring industry-leading experts who participated in the event are included in the Outcome Book.
The publication summarizes key moments such as the official opening, which had a series of speeches from high-level dignitaries advocating for the importance of a successful and inclusive digital transformation; the Theme Talk session and the inputs from three keynote speakers; the main takeaways of the six sessions led by experts from businesses, intergovernmental organizations, and academia, covering topics ranging from skills needs anticipation to re- and upskilling investments; a call-to-action Closing Ceremony featuring young leaders and Bernardo Calzadilla-Sarmiento, Managing Director of UNIDO's Directorate of Digitalization, Technology and Agribusiness, and last but not least, the outcomes of the LKDF Hackathon, a virtual competition that gathered young people and experienced professionals to propose tangible solutions for reducing waste, carbon emissions, and energy usage in agribusiness.
Read the publication here.
For further information contact Mattias Larsen (m.larsen [at] (m).larsen [at]; Karin Monaco (k.monaco [at] (k).monaco [at]; and Anna Jardanovsky (a.jardanovsky [at] (a).jardanovsky [at]