World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum 2021


The World Summit on the Information Society Forum 2021 represents the world's largest annual gathering of the ‘ICT for development’ community. The WSIS Forum, co-organized by ITU, UNESCO, UNDP and UNCTAD, in close collaboration with all WSIS Action Line Facilitators/Co-Facilitators, has proven to be an efficient mechanism for coordination of multi- stakeholder implementation activities, information exchange, creation of knowledge, sharing of best practices and continues to provide assistance in developing multi-stakeholder and public/private partnerships to advance development goals.

Launching Event: Best Practice in Laboratory Policy Development Guidance on sustainable laboratory infrastructure development


Launching Event: Best Practice in Laboratory Policy Development Guidance on sustainable laboratory infrastructure development

Friday, 23 April 2021, 14:30-16:00 (CET)

The high-level panel will discuss the need for sustainable laboratory infrastructure development. On this occasion UNIDO will launch its guidance document on laboratory policy development.

World Metrology Day 2021: Measurement for Health



The theme for World Metrology Day 2021 is Measurement for Health.

This theme was chosen to create awareness of the important role measurement plays in health, and thus in the wellbeing of every one of us.

“Investments and Technology Transfer from Germany as Driver for Economic Development in Europe and Africa” at the EU Industry Week



The event will focus on the role of private sector cooperation between Europe and Africa. Two book authors as well as entrepreneurs will present their experiences and guiding ideas about building business partnerships between the EU and Africa, development policy, European financing of infrastructure and successful entrepreneurship in Africa.