Quality & Standards

Flyer of the ECOWAS Quality and Industrial Database (ECOQUIB)


The first ECOWAS Quality and Industry Database, ECOQUIB, has been established and is nowavailable online. Originally developed under the West Africa Quality System Programme (WAQSP), ithas been recently updated by the West Africa Competitiveness and Quality Project (WACQIP),implemented by UNIDO in the context of the WACOMP.


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Quality & Standards

Identification of quality infrastructure gaps in the coffee value chain in the San Martin Region in Peru (in Spanish)


Identificación de brechas en los servicios de la Infraestructura de Calidad y de las propuestas de intervención en organizaciones de la cadena de valor del café en el departamento de San Martín

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Quality & Standards

WACOMP_REFILA News Relance de la Filière Ananas en Guinée_Volume 1, November 2020


Newsletter (in French) of the national component "Revival of the Pineapple Industry" (REFILA) in Guinea of UNIDO project West Africa Competitiveness (WACOMP) Programme. The project funded by European Union aims to contribute to strengthening the competitiveness of West African countries and their integration into regional and international trade systems

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