International Business Alliances
This training intendes to help firms from developing countries improve their competitive position and grow domestically and internationally by linking with foreign partners, leveraging the relationships with them, and learning further in order to achieve technological self-sufficiency and innovative capabilities of their own.

QUALITAN- Annual Newsletter, 2024
We are pleased to introduce the second edition of the QUALITAN newsletter, highlighting the strides made in strengthening Tanzania’s industrial competitiveness, empowering MSMEs, and enhancing market ...
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Fostering Sustainability and Responsible Social and Economic Action: Building legal frameworks for a future-proof Quality Infrastructure

SAVE THE DATE -19 March 2025 | 14:00 UTC+1 (Online event): FOSTERING SUSTAINABILITY AND RESPONSIBLE SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC ACTION Building legal frameworks for a future-proof Quality Infrastructure
Quality Infrastructure (QI) consists of public and private organizations that provide services in areas such as standardization, accreditation, metrology and conformity assessment for state actors, in...
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Robust Quality Infrastructure is key for Sustainable Development – UNIDO report highlights
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) releases a report titled "Rethinking Quality Infrastructure: Quality Policies for a Sustainable Future" following an Expert Group Meeting...
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UNIDO Launches Global Online Course on OECD Good Laboratory Practices
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) has launched a groundbreaking online course on OECD Good Laboratory Practices (GLP), accessible worldwide through the UNIDO Knowledge Hub...
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Rethinking Quality Infrastructure Quality Policies for a Sustainable Future: EGM Summary Report (13-15 November 2024)

UDHËRRËFYESI ZERO PËR OBJEKTIVAT E ZHVILLIMIT TË QËNDRUESHËM (OZHQ): Axhenda e Gjelbër e Bashkimit Europian për sektorin e tekstilit, veshjeve, lëkurës dhe këpucëve në Shqipëri
Albanian version of the ''The Zero Draft Roadmap for The Sustainable Development Goals: European Union Green Agenda in Albania’s textile, clothing, leather and footwear (TCLF) sector''

The Zero Draft Roadmap for The Sustainable Development Goals: European Union Green Agenda in Albania’s textile, clothing, leather and footwear (TCLF) sector

Better Trade for Smarter Recovery: Elevating Quality and Standards in Berries and Nuts (Ukraine)