

General information on development cooperation

The Argentine Republic develops its activities of South-South and Triangular cooperation through the Fund for South-South and Triangular Cooperation (FO.AR), which is considered to be fundamental in foreign policy implementation.

The Argentine development cooperation emphasizes the importance of respecting development strategies of participating countries. As described in the FO.AR procedures, a project proposal must be presented by the competent authority of a candidate country, or by an Argentine national public institution if Argentina is sharing the cost with a participating country.

The activities of FO.AR are concentrated in five important areas of action:

  1. Agro-Industry
  2. Science and Technology
  3. Environment
  4. Health
  5. Innovation in Public Management

Depending on the characteristics, requirements and priorities of the partnerships with other countries, assistance modalities may include:

  • Sending experts of Argentine institutions to provide technical assistance to local organizations
  • Offering study visit opportunities to local experts from partner countries to gain knowledge on the processes, practices and specific experiences of Argentine institutions
  • Organizing regional and international FO.AR thematic seminars

FO.AR was created in 1992. In its 25 years of existence, it has conducted more than 6,000 technical assistance activities in 55 countries.

Aid for Trade Strategy

Argentina´s Aid for Trade (AfT) Strategy focuses on the following key aspects of trade capacity-building:

  • Exchange of experience and knowledge in the agricultural sector
  • Strengthening institutional capacities
  • Methods of production
  • Food security and environmental sustainability in production processes
  • Quality improvement
  • Certification


On trade and development, the FO.AR has done extensive work in the following areas:

  • Promoting SMEs and cooperatives
  • Supporting the establishment of traceability systems
  • Building trade-related capacities in techniques and methods of production, implementation of new technologies, training experts and scientists, and methodologies of quality development.


Principal official agency responsible for TCB assistance to developing countries

Fund for South–South and Triangular Cooperation (FO.AR)
Contact details

Tel: + 54 11 48197268
Fax: +54 11 48197272

Email: foar [at], dgcin [at]

Physical Address
Esmeralda 1212 - Piso 12 - Of. 1204 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires C1007 ABR

FO.AR works on planning medium- and long-term actions with partner countries. One of the most important instruments to achieve its goals are bilateral commissions, under international memoranda. Once received, FO.AR evaluates the proposals and integrates them into a biennial programme. Commissions are supported by missions that aim to assess the impact and monitor progress.

FO.AR is financed entirely by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship, which either covers the expenses of the entire duration of a project or co-finances it (depending on the arrangement). Public institutions contribute by providing experts during the project implementation. In this respect, Argentine public agencies are central to FO.AR activities in sharing knowledge and experience with the partners abroad, sending experts and receiving specialists from other countries. Many institutions of the Argentine have already obtained extensive experience in South–South and Triangular Cooperation, including the training of officials, building relationships with several countries and implementing successful projects.

A project is requested by completing project forms available on the FO.AR website ( They must be submitted to the national authorities responsible for international cooperation in the corresponding country to initiate the joint process of project design and formulation.

As soon as the launch date is agreed upon, implementation begins, in agreement with the final terms of reference. Throughout the project, all participating institutions and foreign ministries involved receive periodic progress reports prepared by experts, follow-up missions, and bilateral commissions. Expert reports and meeting minutes describe the activities carried out and provide recommendations to all the parties involved in the project.

Other government and official agencies with responsibilities directly relevant to TCB

General Direction for International Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship:
Contact details

Tel: +54 11 48197268

Email: info [at]

Physical Address
Esmeralda 1212 - Piso 12 - Of. 1204 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires C1007 ABR

The primary responsibilities with respect to South-South cooperation are:

  • Engagement in plans, programmes and projects of bilateral and decentralized technical cooperation of the Argentine Fund for Horizontal Cooperation
  • Engagement in the definition of policies and strategies for development cooperation in Argentina, as well as scheduling, resource allocation, development and implementation of management methodologies and evaluation of all activities inherent in coordinating and harmonizing these interests
  • Acting as national focal point for the coordination, management control and evaluation of international cooperation activities carried out in multilateral institutions
  • Coordinating activities of decentralized cooperation
  • Defining the scope of assistance provided by multilateral agencies, participating in programming and planning at national and provincial level and in the projects resulting from this process

Selected TCB programmes and initiatives in this guide

Strengthening Social Economy Tools in Ecuador – Argentina / Ecuador
Credit Management Programme in Ecuador – Argentina / Ecuador
Consolidation of Apiculture as a Tool for Economic Development in Costa Rica – Argentina / Costa Rica
Cooperation to strengthen strategies and implementation of FMD control and eradication program – Argentina / Thailand
Evaluation of biosafety and food security for genetically modified organisms – Argentina / Thailand
Course on territorial planning in Uruguay – Argentina / Uruguay
Reinforce capacities and experience sharing in the agriculture, aquaculture and fisheries sector - Argentina/Mexico
Building capacities for increase soybean production by biotechniques and germplasm in Vietnam – Argentina / Vietnam
Cooperation on bovine and porcine cloning in Vietnam – Argentina / Vietnam
Cooperation on integrated pest management and application of GIS for pest management – Argentina / Vietnam.
Capacity building in pest and pesticide management to ensure food security and safety in Philippines – Argentina / Philippines
Improvement of livestock production in Cambodia – Argentina / Cambodia
Enhance SPS capacity, Trans boundary disease prevention and promote safety trade in Cambodia – Argentina / Cambodia
Stregthening capacity building for the FMD control in Cambodia – Argentina / Cambodia
Institutional reinforcement and capacity building for territorial planning in Timor Leste – Argentina / Timor Leste
Technology for milk production and for the manufacturing dairy products – Argentina / Brasil
Appropriate technologies for the production of sunflower, cassava and their derivatives of family farming – Argentina / Brasil
Support to the leather sector – Argentina / Brazil
Strengthen of Textile Department and Textile Industry - Argentina / Uruguay
Capacity Building for prevention and gradually eradication of FMD – Argentina / Ecuador
Development and strengthening of milk production in Ecuador – Argentina / Ecuador
Implementation of a primary food processing safety system – Argentina / Perú
Strengthening competencies of SENATI machine and tool trainers in Lima and the Southern Macroregion of Peru – Argentina/ Peru
Development of native plant varieties with ornamental potential – Argentina / Peru
Implementation and adjustment of narrow-furrow technology in cotton cultivation – Argentina / Colombia
Production and evaluation of silvopastoral systems and tropical fodder – Argentina / Colombia
Exchange of research and teaching experiences – Argentina / Mexico
Strengthening cooperation on good manufacturing and livestock practices, biosafety and passive surveillance for Avian Influenza – Argentina / Mexico
Strengthening the agrifood chains in Honduras - Argentina / Honduras
Validate varieties with resistance to pests and diseases – Argentina / Honduras
Characterization of metabolites of sugarcane inducing plant defense – Argentina / Cuba
Evaluation, monitoring and risk reduction planning of radioactive waste – Argentina / Ecuador
Research and application of storage techniques for harvested agricultural produce – Argentina / Vietnam
Training on research collaboration of RNAi or related techniques on plant biotechnology – Argentina / Vietnam
Training in the use of RNAI and associated techniques in Plant Biotechnology – Argentina / Tailandia
Improvement of livestock production in Laos – Argentina / Laos
Strengthening analytical capacities in sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS Plant quarantine) - Argentina / Cambodia
Development of a food for mass consumption with oil rich in microencapsulated omega-3 – Argentina / Chile
Technical development and dissemination of good cattle practices – Argentina / Ecuador
Development of wind power generation – Argentina / Guatemala
Development of agglomerate boards based on sugarcane bagasse and soy protein – Argentina / Cuba
First International Seminar on the Promotion and Exchange of Trade, Production, Tourism and Investment – Argentina / Chile
Training to improve Bovine Milk Production - Argentina / Indonesia
Strengthening the Pharmacopoeias of Brazil and Argentina and their National Control Laboratories to establish a Regional Pharmacopoeia – Argentina / Brasil
Exchange of research, teaching and learning experience in bioconservation strategies to improve sanitary quality and availability of meat and meat products – Argentina / Mexico
Exchange of experiences in the Public Sector Digital Agendas – Argentina / China
Strengthening the apiculture sector in Haití – Argentina / Haití
Cooperative transborder Technical Cooperation Program – Argentina / Paraguay
Support to the regional economies and local cheese produvers PYPES in Bolivia – Argentina / Bolivia
Self-production of fresh food – Pro Huerta Haití – Argentina / Haití
Pro Huerta – Honduras – Argentina / Honduras
Pro Huerta – Guatemala – Argentina / Guatemala
Contaminant compounds in distilled beverages, regional development, safety and trade – Argentina / Cuba
Technical Cooperation Agreement between the Argentine Republic and Japan – Argentina / Japan
Energy efficiency in industry – Argentina / Japan
Promotion of aquaculture in Latin-American – Argentina / Japan
Support to the implementation of youth legislation - Argentina / El Salvador
TCB cooperation initiatives with UN/international agencies and bilateral partners

The Argentine Republic started its activities of triangular cooperation with the Partnership Programme with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). One of the partnership examples with JICA is the preparation and implementation of a Latin American course on self-production of food and local development. Based on the Argentine Pro Huerta [Pro vegetable and fruit garden] Programme and National Food Security Plan, professionals from all over Latin America participate in the training every year.

Since then, various Memorandums of Understanding (MoU) have been signed with UN agencies, with the objective to develop triangular projects between Argentina, the Agency, and a third country. Such MoUs have been signed with FAO, UNICEF and UNOPS. They involve different forms of financing, with an engagement of FO.AR.