Legal and Regulatory Framework - Argentina

Information dated: 2017
Cooperation to strengthen strategies and implementation of FMD control and eradication program – Argentina / Thailand

The Agreement on Scientific and Technical Cooperation between Argentina and Thailand pursues to strengthen control measures and eradication of the Food and Mouth Disease (FMD). This also includes enhancing the knowledge of experts from Thailand in establishing and maintaining disease-free zones.

Evaluation of biosafety and food security for genetically modified organisms – Argentina / Thailand

The Argentine Ministry of Agro-Industry and the Thailand National Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC) work towards obtaining a deeper knowledge on the regulations and assessment of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), public awareness, and attitudes towards GM crops.

Course on territorial planning in Uruguay – Argentina / Uruguay

This project supports the exchange of knowledge in public policy developments related to territorial planning.

Reinforce capacities and experience sharing in the agriculture, aquaculture and fisheries sector - Argentina/Mexico

This programme is designed to strengthen institutional capacities in agriculture, aquaculture and fisheries management, and to reinforce knowledge in the certification process of livestock mobility. The expected results are the adoption and implementation of regulations, management of traceability systems of food, merchandise of animals, vegetables, aquaculture, and fisheries.