
496 Publications
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Quality & Standards

GQSP Georgia - Strengthening Conformity Assessment for Fruits & Vegetables


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Quality & Standards

COVID-19, Cybersecurity and Information Security Management: ISO/IEC 27001 -Questions and Answers


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Quality & Standards

Development of clusters and networks of SMEs - a guide to export consortia


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Quality & Standards

Market Access for origin linked products and geographical indications


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Mainstreaming Gender in Cluster Development


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Quality & Standards

An Insight: Standards and Conformity Assessment Approaches in African, Caribbean and Pacific Regions: Fight Against COVID-19


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Quality & Standards

Répertoire des textes relatifs à l'Infrastructure Qualité de la CEDEAO


Directory of texts relating to the ECOWAS Quality Infrastructure (French)

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Quality & Standards

Guide d'étalonnage dans le domaine des masses


Calibration guide in the field of masses (French)

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Quality & Standards

Guide d'étalonnage en Evaluation et expression des incertitudes de mesure


Calibration guide for Evaluation and expression of measurement uncertainties (French)

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Quality & Standards

Guide d'étalonnage en thermométrie de contact


Contact thermometry calibration guide (French)

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Quality & Standards

Guide pour la prise en compte des critères Qualité dans les marchés publics de la CEDEAO


Guide for taking into account Quality criteria in ECOWAS public procurement (French)

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Quality & Standards

Procédure harmonisée de contrôle des instruments de pesage


Harmonized procedure for checking weighing instruments (French)

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