“Making the Fourth Industrial Revolution Work for Africa” at the 53rd Session of the Economic Commission for Africa and the Conference of African Ministers of the Finance, Planning and Economic Development
Side event “Making the Fourth Industrial Revolution Work for Africa”, organized by UNIDO in association with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)
“Making the Fourth Industrial Revolution Work for Africa” to inform High Level Policy Frameworks
UNIDO is pleased to announce that the UNIDO Director General Mr. LI Yong will participate at the High-level ministerial policy dialogue of the 53rd Session of the Economic Commission for Africa and th...
Read moreUNIDO strengthens innovation ecosystems in cooperation with Slovenian and Serbian partners
UNIDO webinar “Go: Global Strengthening Innovation Systems- Supporting Digital Transformation of SMEs” was held on 23 February 2021 focusing on the importance on how multi-stakeholder cooperation can ...
Read moreGlobal Manufacturing and Industrialisation Summit (GMIS) 2021
Following a successful third edition of the Global Manufacturing and Industrialisation Summit (GMIS), held virtually last September under the theme of “Glocalization: towards inclusive and sustainable value chains”, attention now turns to GMIS 2021.
GMIS to Explore Digitalization for Prosperity in November 2021
Following a successful third edition of the Global Manufacturing and Industrialisation Summit (GMIS), held virtually last September under the theme of “Glocalization: towards inclusive and sustainable...
Read moreScaling up the ICT start-up ecosystem in Iran
Aiming to nurture the entrepreneurial ecosystem for information and communications technology (ICT) start-ups and scale-ups through international exposure, fostering technology and know-how exchange, ...
Read moreAID FOR TRADE Stocktaking Event "Mobilizing Resources to Build Resilient Local Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industries in Developing Countries - Challenges and Opportunities"
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the strategic imperative of building resilient manufacturing capacity for essential medicines and vaccines in developing countries and regions. There is the potential to improve availability of essential medicines and accelerate access to novel products whilst protecting the innovation ecosystems that have so rapidly developed COVID19 vaccines. Developing the assets that can achieve these ends requires an ecosystem that ensures sustainable high-quality production.
Online Conference "The digital future of sustainable industrial manufacturing in Italy and beyond"
Nell’ambito della EU Industry Week 2021, UNIDO e ITPO Italy organizzano la conferenza online “The digital future of sustainable industrial manufacturing in Italy and beyond”, che si terrà il prossimo 10 marzo dalle 10:30 alle 12:00 (orario italiano).
EU Industry Week 2021: Investment Promotion as driver of competitiveness and sustainable development
UNIDO online event "Investment Promotion as driver of competitiveness and sustainable development" in the framework of the EU Industry Week 2021