3rd annual “BRIDGE for Cities” event
The 3rd “BRIDGE for Cities” event, which revolves around urban-industrial development and takes green industry and
sustainable development as its central theme, aims to advance the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)
in tandem with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with which the BRI shares many similarities. The goal is
to establish a platform centered on demand-driven matchmaking through which government stakeholders,
development agencies and business-sector investors can share their demands and challenges, forge partnerships and
ISO Week
The ISO General Assembly 2018 is about sharing knowledge and innovating new ideas on how International Standards can make the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development a reality. This year’s ISO Week brings the global ISO community together in Geneva, Switzerland.
UNIDO - AfTIAS Newsletter, September 2018
We are pleased to share with you the third issue of the newsletter on UNIDO’s interventions under the Aid for Trade Initiative for the Arab States (AfTIAS). The scope of technical assistance provid...
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