UNIDO’s new online course on investment project preparation and appraisal
UNIDO is pleased to announce its Investment Project Preparation and Appraisal (IPPA) online training to be soon available in 2022 on the UNIDO Knowledge Hub.
The online training aims to support different stakeholder groups – investment promotion agencies and institutions, domestic small and medium enterprises (SMEs), financial institutions, young/female entrepreneurs – in creating bankable investment opportunities for enhancing financial flows through mobilizing domestic investments and attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) for accelerating sustainable economic growth.
Composed of fourteen (14) modules, the training defines in detail the investment opportunity development cycle and market analysis, technical analysis of industrial projects, financial planning and risk analysis and project implementation planning and appraisal. The training serves to enhance development of investment opportunities with a focus on achieving a large impact on social development and environmentally friendly projects, with a particular focus on the affected sectors/value chains towards recovering from the devastating effects of COVID-19 for advancing economic competitiveness through impact investments.
The training course is developed as a key output for the ongoing programme for capacity development of Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) in Least Developed Countries (LDCs), which is developed jointly by UNIDO, in cooperation with ITC/ILO, UNCTAD, WAIPA and UNOHRLLS. It will be complemented by physical classroom trainings and is an ideal complement to future trainings concerning UNIDO’s Computer Model for Feasibility Analysis and Reporting (COMFAR) Software.
The press release is available here.
The course flyer is available here. The course will be available on the Knowledge Hub here.
For more information contact Stefan Kratzsch (S.Kratzsch [at] unido.org (S[dot]Kratzsch[at]unido[dot]org)) and Pradeep Paulose (p.paulose [at] unido.org (p[dot]paulose[at]unido[dot]org))