UNIDO workshop on Quality Infrastructure for 4IR, Cambodia
UNIDO organized successfully a training on Standards and Quality Infrastructure for Innovation in Kampong Thom, Cambodia from 25 to 27 February, 2020. The three-day workshop gathered over 20 policymakers from various regulatory agencies and quality infrastructure institutions in the country, and sensitized them to the requirements of upgrading national quality infrastructure (NQI) for fostering sustainable economic growth and innovation in the context of the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR).
The workshop was a collaboration with InetQI partners (ISO, IEC and OIML) and the Korean Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS). It conveyed the definition and interaction of a systematic QI system, the basic principles of quality policy for QI good governance, the latest trend in QI for innovation and the 4IR, and how its components such as standards and metrology should be upgraded for 4IR advancement. The workshop comprised lectures, group exercises and panel discussions, and it initiated for the first time a cross-institutional dialogue among Cambodian governmental agencies and QI institutions on how to prepare Cambodia’s QI system to overcome the challenges and to seize the opportunities deriving from the 4IR.
For more information, contact Mr. Juan Pablo Davila (J.Davila [at] unido.org) or Mr. Cong Wu (C.Wu [at] unido.org)