UNIDO Export Consortia Project – the success story in Colombia

The project developed in cooperation with the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism - MINCIT, and funded by the Korean International Cooperation Agency – KOICA, was launched in 2016 and will be completed in April 2019. The overall objective of the project is to improve the competitiveness and international market access of SMEs that form part of the export consortia which have been developed in the region of the Valle del Cauca in the agro-industry and cosmetic sector.

The main activities include: support the creation of export consortia; provide specialized technical assistance to member companies to increase their capacity to comply with technical requirements and international quality standards; capacity building of a critical mass of professionals within public and private sector institutions on the methodology to enable a replication of the process; develop an incentive structure to facilitate the start-up and operation of export consortia. Six export consortia - with over 280 employees - have been created and are currently exporting to various European countries and the USA. Procolombia is actively promoting the export consortia approach in various regions of Colombia thus ensuring the upscaling and sustainability of the project.

To present the success story of the UNIDO Export Consortia Project in Colombia a video (please see the link below) was produced.

Click here to watch the video.

For more information: Mr. Fabio Russo (F.Russo [at] unido.org (F[dot]Russo[at]unido[dot]org)) and Mr. Juan Pablo Diaz Castillo (J.Diaz-Castillo [at] unido.org)