“UNIDO Day” in the 7th China (Shanghai) International Technology Fair

SHANGHAI, 18 April 2019 - Co-hosted by China’s Ministry of Commerce, its Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Intellectual Property Administration and the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government, the 7th China (Shanghai) International Technology Fair (CSITF) was held from 18 – 21 April.

During the Opening Ceremony, Mayor of Shanghai YING Yong, Vice Commerce Minister WANG Bingnan and Vice Science and Technology Minister XU Nanping delivered speeches.

“UNIDO is dedicated to achieving common prosperity by promoting sustainable technological innovation and responsible investment”, said Bernardo Calzadilla-Sarmiento, Director of UNIDO’s Department of Trade, Investment and Innovation. “CSITF is a great opportunity to actively promote the global technology flow and the real economy, also through UNIDO products and platform”.

UNIDO has hosted “UNIDO Day” every year since 2014 during CSITF to promote technology trade and inclusive and sustainable development for global industrial innovation, economic transformation and industrial upgrading. The year’s event was jointly hosted by UNIDO and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT); it was convened at the Shanghai Expo Center and focused on ‘Technology, investment, and innovation: a dialogue between the UNIDO ITPO Network and the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) Region on high quality development’.

UNIDO Day also allowed for the launch of the “Impact Investment” online training course, which was jointly published by the UNIDO-TII Knowledge Hub and the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) to promote responsible investment and sustainable technological capacity building

Click here to read the related press release.


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UNIDO Day Shanghai