UNIDO Builds Capacity of Nigerian Consumer Protection Agencies with Training Courses and Centres

Accredited and recognized training centres are being established to foster consumer protection in Nigeria and to improve the quality offer and culture of Nigerian enterprises. In this respect, the National Quality Infrastructure Project for Nigeria (NQIP) is establishing recognised training centres at the following institutions: the Consumer Protection Council (CPC), Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON), Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN), National Productivity Centre (NPC), National Export Control Council (NECA), Nigerian Employers’ Consultative Assembly (NECA), and the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI). The project is also supporting Industrial Training Fund (ITF) with accreditation of its training curriculum.

The training centres will offer three main courses known as ‘Train the Trainer’ courses – ISO 14001:2015, ISO 9001:2015, and ISO 22000:2005, with view of additional courses. Each institution will develop training curricula and staff competencies within the context of their individual and specific specializations.

The National Quality Infrastructure Project for Nigeria (NQIP) is implemented by UNIDO and funded by the European Union

For more information see the online article or contact:  Mr. Raymond Tavares (R.Tavares [at] unido.org)

UNIDO Builds Capacity of Nigerian Consumer Protection Agencies with Training Courses and Centres