UNIDO and SECO to strengthen the competitiveness of 4,000 coffee and cocoa producers in the San Martin region of Peru

Lima, 13 June 2024- UNIDO has officially launched the second phase of the Global Quality and Standards Programme (GQSP) in Peru to further strengthen the quality of coffee and cocoa for export. The project is funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and has the Ministry of Production (PRODUCE) as its main counterpart.

The Minister of Production, Sergio González, and the Ambassador of the Swiss Confederation in Peru, Paul Garnier, announced the launch of the three-years project which will benefit 4,000 producers and seven cooperatives of the coffee and cocoa chains in the San Martin region, strengthen the national quality infrastructure and promote a culture of quality.

"The project aims to contribute to the productive and competitive strengthening of the coffee and cocoa value chains and their higher value-added derivatives by improving their ability to comply with standards, technical regulations and market requirements," the Minister stressed.

The announcement of the launch was also attended by the Vice Minister of MSEs and Industry, César Quispe; Nathalie Vela, UNIDO PCP National Coordinator; and Juan Pablo Diaz Castillo, UNIDO Industrial Development Officer and Project Manager.

It was noted that this phase of the project will continue to improve the post-harvest capabilities of cooperatives and farmers to achieve higher scores and prices for their production using Peruvian and international standards. It will also strengthen the capacity of regional institutions working with cooperatives and producers.

Support will also be provided to the technical directorates of the National Quality Institute (INACAL), national regulatory and supervisory bodies such as the National Agricultural Health Service (SENASA) and the General Directorate of Environmental Health and Food Safety (DIGESA), and testing laboratories at regional level, with a focus on improvements in organic production and food safety.

Finally, the Minister emphasized that with this support, Peru will continue to position itself as one of the world's leading producers and suppliers of organic, fine and aromatic cocoa, while at the same time expanding the commercialization of Peruvian coffee to more markets.

For more information, please contact:

Mr Juan Pablo Diaz-Castillo, Industrial Development Officer, at j.diaz-castillo [at] unido.org
