UNIDO and GMIS unveil Fourth Industrial Revolution in Mexico

Last October, UNIDO collaborated with counterparts from the Global Manufacturing and Industrialisation Summit (GMIS) Organising Committee to convene GMIS Connect Mexico, a multi-stakeholder platform aimed at elaborating the potential gains and challenges associated with the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) and related advanced manufacturing technologies. GMIS Connect Mexico took place in parallel with Industrial Transformation Mexico (ITM) 2019, which is the largest advanced innovation conference in Latin America and is sponsored by Hannover Messe.

GMIS Connect Mexico provided the arena for a series of thematic panels on best practices associated with strategic approaches for circular economy, innovation and quality infrastructure to access market and integrate into value chains. These thematic areas reflect UNIDO’s mission to promote inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID) worldwide, as well as its strategy for 4IR, which hinges around four key thematic areas: smart manufacturing, smart agro-food, the circular economy and smart energy.

Following extensive dialogue with partners from the Mexican private sector, national and sub-national government, international and regional organizations, academia and civil society, the consensus points from GMIS Connect Mexico and ITM Mexico 2019 have been distilled into an outcome document, signposting a way forward for Mexico’s transition to 4IR.

These address the application of UNIDO's technical modules on:  skills and capacity building, SMEs   digital transformation,  sector-specific technology adoption, smart  platforms and ecosystems of innovation development; and  four priority areas for intervention, namely: 1) promoting knowledge creation, commercialization and skill building; 2) ensuring the inclusion of vulnerable sections of the population; 3) building institutions (norms, standards and conventions); and 4) leveraging multi-stakeholder partnerships.

The full report may be found here.

For further information: Alejandro Rivera-Rojas (A.Rivera-Rojas [at] unido.org (A[dot]Rivera-Rojas[at]unido[dot]org))
