UNIDO and CUTS to initiate joint technical cooperation activities
The Consumer Unity and Trust Society (CUTS) is an evidenced based policy advocacy aims to promote “consumer sovereignty in the framework of social justice, economic equality and environmental necessity, within and across borders.” The core areas of work for CUTS include “Good Governance”, “Effective Regulation” and “Rules-based Trade”. The Secretary General of the Consumer Unity and Trust Society (CUTS), Mr. Pradeep S Mehta, visited UNIDO HQ to discuss how UNIDO and CUTS can initiate joint technical co-operation activities in the future.
During his meeting with Mr. Calzadilla-Sarmiento, Director, Department of Trade Investment and Innovation (TII), Mr. Mehta discussed how UNIDO and CUTS could work on joint initiatives pertinent to industrial policy formulation; digital economy; and quality infrastructure – all with the objective of introducing a “consumer and social responsibility facet” to TII’s future activities. CUTS also expressed a strong interest to initiate a joint consumer centric e-commerce project within the context of BRICS development.
UNIDO and CUTS have also agreed to explore the joint publication of a new training module in the TII Knowledge Hub and discussed signing a MoU in order to strengthen their relationship. Mr. Mehta’s visit to UNIDO concluded by him delivering an awareness session to TII staff and bilateral meetings with selected project managers.
For more information contact: R.Tavares [at] unido.org (R[dot]Tavares[at]unido[dot]org)