Tanzanian horticulture processors present their products to high-end hotels and restaurants during a tasting event

ARUSHA, 30 October 2018 – Tanzanian horticulture processors had the opportunity to receive valuable product-feedback by professionals of high-end hotels and restaurants during a product tasting event held today at the Vocational Educational and Training Authority (VETA) Hotel in Arusha. A profound group of chefs and food & beverage managers of high-end Hotels and Restaurants of Arusha and Dar es Salam were engaged to taste and test locally processed horticulture products at an event organized by the UNIDO project in Tanzania funded by Swiss Confederation State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO). This project aims at spurring the horticulture producers to increase their productive capacity and to supply high value agro-products to the Tanzanian tourism sector and food retailers.

Three pilot horticulture processors were supported by the UNIDO to improve quality, safety, standards and related processes. They accomplished to gain the internationally demanded HCCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) certification and also became ISO 22000 compliant. Furthermore these 3 processors could improve their marketing strategies and establish business linkages with tourism sector operators and food retailers for supply of locally produced quality produce. Series of trainings and practical workshops helped these 3 enterprises to improve their skills in marketing, sales and merchandising, as well as collecting and analysing market information.

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For more information: Mr. Toshiyuki Miyake (t.miyake [at] unido.org (T[dot]Miyake[at]unido[dot]org)) and Mr. Farrukh Alimdjanov (f.alimdjanov [at] unido.org (F[dot]Alimdjanov[at]unido[dot]org))

Tanzanian horticulture processors present their products to high-end hotels and restaurants during a tasting event