Supporting industrialization in Comoros
With a view to strengthening the country’s entrepreneurship ecosystem and to promote its industrialization, UNIDO supports the European Union to assist the Union of the Comoros in strengthening the technical capacities and competitiveness of the private sector, for the processing and marketing of innovative and quality local products.
Ahmed Ali Bazi, Ministry of Economy, Industry, Investments and in charge of Economic Integration, indicated that “Supporting Comoros Industrialization is the country’s priority, following the Basis 5 of the Comoros Emerging Plan: Industrial niches to diversify the economy. This program will ensure Comoros’ competitiveness in the framework of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement and of its accession to the World Trade Organization”.
Pierre Beziz, Head of the EU Delegation in Comoros, stressed that supporting entrepreneurs and SMEs in Comoros to improve the quality of their products and their knowledge of how to comply with market requirements, coupled with a strong enhancement of the national capacities of the institutions in charge of supporting and coaching entrepreneurs, should pave the way to a successful achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 9), by promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation in Comoros.
The EU- funded project APILE (from the French Acronym of Support Program for Production, Industrialization and Free Trade in the Comoros) has a total budget of 6 million Euros and will be jointly implemented by UNIDO and the International Trade Centre (ITC), under the national coordination of the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) and the Ministry of Economy, Industry, Investments and in charge of Economic Integration.
For further information contact Juan Pablo Davila (J.Davila [at] (J[dot]Davila[at]unido[dot]org)) or Ebe Muschialli (e.muschialli [at] (e[dot]muschialli[at]unido[dot]org))