Side Event on “Good Governance in developing modern Quality Infrastructure Systems”

UNIDO Department of Trade, Investment and Innovation (TII) has the pleasure to inform you that a side event on “Good Governance in developing modern Quality Infrastructure Systems” was held at the World Trade Organization Headquarters in Geneva on 20 June 2018. The event, was organized by UNIDO in cooperation with the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, and took place on the margins of the Technical Barriers to Trade Committee Meeting.

The event brought together high-level participants representing WTO Member States, regional and international technical institutions on quality infrastructure, international organizations, development partners and other key institutions.

The event  served as a platform to share best practices and facilitate the dialogue and discussions with various stakeholders on setting the good governance foundations for a modern quality infrastructure (QI) system for an effective integration to the global trading system.

The details of the event are as follows:

Event: UNIDO TII Side Event at the TBT Committee Meeting

Theme: “Good Governance in developing modern Quality Infrastructure Systems”

Date/Time: 20 June 2018, 13:15 – 14:45

Location: WTO Headquarters in Geneva (Rue de Lausanne 154, 1211 Genève 2, Switzerland)

For more detailed information on the side event, please consult the attached flyer and draft programme.

Attachment Size
QI Side event - draft programme 34.58 KB
QI Side Event - flyer 155.55 KB
Side Event on “Good Governance in developing modern Quality Infrastructure Systems”