National Contest of Local Food Products to promote quality and market access

Typical food products or “terroir products” are deeply rooted in their territory of origin, which is granting them unique characteristics. Over the past decade, UNIDO has been working on mapping, branding, and market access for terroir products across the world.

The methodology for organizing a National Contest of Local Food Products has been developed by UNIDO and the Swiss Inter Jurassian Rural Foundation (FRI) within the framework of the PAMPAT Projects (Project for market access of terroir products) in Tunisia and Morocco, funded by SECO.

The National Contest of Local Food Products, which has been organized in Morocco and Tunisia, is having a positive impact on the awarded producers, with an average increase in sales by 30 – 40 %. The Contest is currently being organized in Egypt and Georgia. Through the Contest, public and private support institutions identify in a transparent manner the best producers to promote their products as well as those that require support to improve quality and packaging. As for the consumers, the Contest provides the opportunity to establish direct linkages with the producers.

A video describing the methodology and results obtained in Morocco and Tunisia is available on


For more information, please contact:

Mr. Fabio Russo (F.Russo [at]

Ms. Ebe Muschialli (E.Muschialli [at]

National Contest of Local Food Products to promote quality and market access