Moldova prepares for accessing EU single market and conducts comprehensive study on national quality infrastructure with EU and UNIDO support
CHISINAU, 6 May 2024 – In preparation for accessing the European Union single market, Moldova successfully launched the study “Analysis of the capacities of NQIS institutions and the demand for their services from the meat, poultry, and dairy value chains in the Republic of Moldova” with the support of EU and UNIDO. The comprehensive state-of-the-art study, performed in the Republic of Moldova for the first time, provides an in-depth assessment of needs and demands for services of national quality infrastructure in the target sectors with feasible recommendations. The study has multiple long-term implications for UNIDO, EU and other development partners, since the insights obtained from this study will bolster the development of action plans and roadmaps for respective value chains, therefore contributing to tailored support for Moldova to fulfil the provisions of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Areas (DCFTA) and benefiting the key outcome – prepare for the European Union single market entry.
Entry into the EU market will economically benefit certain businesses and will serve as a powerful leverage for the distribution of highly technical knowledge and skills. Over the past years, Moldova has made significant advancements towards its aim of EU integration by ensuring standards and food safety compliance. However, more reforms are needed in order to develop and expand the capabilities of the National Soof Safety Agency (ANSA), and to assist the Moldovan business in gaining access to the EU market, which will benefit national economy and national consumer safety in the future.
In this respect, the study analyzed the global and EU market trends for target sectors, identified the relevant standards and regulations, assessed national capacities of meat, poultry, and dairy production, mapped and conducted performance analysis of the national quality infrastructure institutions. The study also provided feasible recommendations with substantial leverage points that will significantly improve conformity capacities in Moldova in the long run, including on strengthening institutional capacities in the process of harmonization with the EU requirements, effective enforcement of official control, strengthening the laboratory coordination, supporting programs in implementing quality standards, etc.
The report was produced in the framework of the project “Improving the standards compliance through increased national capacities for residue monitoring”, funded by the European Union and Germany through the UNIDO Trust Fund with a total budget of Euro 1.5 million and implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), with a duration of 2023 – 2026.
The full study in the English language is available here.
The full study in the Romanian language is available here.
For more information, please contact:
Mr. Giorgi Todua, Associate Industrial Development Expert, g.todua [at]
Ms. Dona Scola, National Country Programme and Project Coordinator, d.scola [at]