Launching of the report on Innovation Ecosystem of Moldova
UNIDO launched the report “Innovation Ecosystem of Moldova” that analyses regional and national challenges and opportunities for promoting an innovation-driven economy in Moldova and suggests a series of specific recommendations to address them.
The report outcomes confirmed the observations of the “Sub-regional Innovation Policy Outlook (IPO) 2020: Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus” made by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), in particular the need to improve coordination of efforts and to ensure their integration at policy and operational level, but also highlighting the opportunities for attracting investment to increase the diversification of manufacturing sector and foster digital transformation.
The study’s findings aim to inform, and fine-tune upcoming activities related to innovation and industrial competitiveness under the Country Programming Framework (CPF) signed between the Republic of Moldova and UNIDO and guide future interventions. In particular, it will guide actions of two UNIDO technical cooperation projects: “Development of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer (IET) platforms for strengthening linkages between research and industry in Moldova” and “Facilitating the modernization and growth process of Moldovan SMEs to ensure their competitiveness on both domestic and international markets”.
Read the report here.
For more information, contact Alejandro Rivera Rojas (A.Rivera-Rojas [at] (A[dot]Rivera-Rojas[at]unido[dot]org)).