Immersed in Change: UNIDO's Commitment to Ocean Protection

On May 29, 2024, UNIDO participated in the event titled “Immersed in Change: Vienna Driven Ocean Protection and Conservation”, co-organized by Costa Rica and France. This event, which featured presentations from UNIDO, UNODC, IAEA, and UNOOSA, was a significant step towards preparing for the upcoming 2025 UN Ocean Conference, focusing on Sustainable Development Goal 14: conserving and sustainably using our oceans, seas, and marine resources.

In his presentation, Mr. Alejandro Rivera Rojas, Industrial Development Officer at UNIDO, highlighted the role and contribution that Blue Industries – a term coined by UNIDO – can make to the Blue Economy and the protection of our oceans and inland water resources. He emphasized the commitment of the organization to supporting its Members States to engage in the Blue Economy to create sustainable livelihoods, protect aquatic ecosystems and contribute to global food security.

Key highlights from his presentation included:

  • Sharing UNIDOs Plans for the Development of a Strategic Blue Industry Programmatic Framework: Leveraging UNIDO’s extensive experience across various areas to provide an integrated response for the sustainable and inclusive development of water-based industrial activities.
  • Providing an Overview of the Theory of Change Underpinning the Strategic Framework: Outlining a comprehensive approach to engaging in global agenda setting and assisting countries to catalyze the potential of the Blue Economy to create jobs, improve the resilience of coastal communities, ensure the climate-compatibility of Blue Industries, and enhance the trade of blue food.
  • Showcasing Successful Blue Industry UNIDO Case Studies: Presenting real-world examples of UNIDO's impactful projects, demonstrating effective strategies and tangible outcomes at the national, regional and global levels.

This event underscored the vital role of international organizations in driving forward the global ocean agenda and preparing for transformative actions at the 2025 UN Ocean Conference in Nice. UNIDO's Blue Industry initiatives are crucial steps towards a sustainable and thriving Blue Economy.

Let's join hands in protecting our oceans and ensuring a sustainable future for all. 🌍💙

For further information contact Mr. Alejandro Rivera Rojas (a.rivera-rojas [at]
