First ECOWAS Public Private Partnership Stakeholder’s Forum
UNIDO, jointly with ECOWAS, organized the first ECOWAS Regional Public Private Partnership (PPP) Stakeholder’s Forum on 8-10 June 2022 in Dakar, Senegal.
Over 60 participants representing national PPP Units, government representatives, development partners, regional business associations, financing institutions, the private sector and the media engaged in active discussions with a view to creating synergies and collaboration that will accelerate the development, implementation and funding of economic and social infrastructure in West Africa.
This Forum, which was the first of its kind in the region, provided an excellent opportunity for UNIDO to present the results of the work accomplished under the West Africa Competitiveness Programme (WACOMP), which includes the establishment of a regional ECOWAS PPP stakeholder’s network and a regional PPP online platform as a means to foster exchanges between various entities and maximize PPP knowledge, experience and information sharing in the region.
The official handover of the platform to the ECOWAS Commission was marked by the presentation of a certificate by Christophe Yvetot, UNIDO Representative for Senegal, Cabo Verde, The Gambia, Guinea Bissau and Mauritania, to representatives of the Commissioner for Private Sector and Industry and the Commissioner for Infrastructure from the ECOWAS Commission.
Elhadji Y. Karim Ndiaye, Director of Administration and Personnel at the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Cooperation of Senegal, indicated that “this Regional PPP Forum is an effective framework for sharing good practices between ECOWAS member states. This type of initiative allows all member states to come together to harmonize PPP policies and develop common projects”.
For further information contact Rafik Feki (r.feki [at] (r[dot]feki[at]unido[dot]org))