Fashion meets art in a digital world
Facing the challenges and adapting to the “new normal”, Mongolian designers took the opportunities of digitalization to present their products virtually via the series of events “Fashion meets art” between July 2020 and January 2021. As part of the EU-funded project “Support to Employment Creation in Mongolia (SECiM C2)” implemented by UNIDO, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Government of Mongolia, the virtual events were organized for local designers, including the fashion show, design contest, platform to promote work of local designers, and virtual on-line presentation of designed products including e-fashion show that was launched 31 December 2020.
Local designers are able to appreciate benefits of digital marketing that a targeted audience can be reached in a cost-effective and measurable way. Other digital marketing advantages include increasing loyalty and driving online sales. The digital fashion events are allowing consumers to have a much more intimate experience and emotional connection with the brands they love. Not only has e-fashion become more accessible, but the way small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have chosen to showcase their collections, through video lookbooks, digital storytelling an behind-the-scenes. This will allow local SMEs and designers to build stronger connections with their target audience.
The project focuses on job creation and valorization of local resources. During the project, project partners assisted local SME’s to enhance quality of production including textile and leather value chain. Within market access, the project supported promotion and market access of locally designed products.
Visit the virtual platform here.
For more information contact Ivan Kral (I.Kral [at] (I[dot]Kral[at]unido[dot]org))