Empowering Ghana’s Economic Potential through Cluster Development: Insights from the International Ghana Cluster Conference 2024

On 12th June 2024, UNIDO-WACOMP Ghana, funded by the European Union, in cooperation with the Ghanaian Ministry of Trade and Industry, organized the 3rd International Ghana Cluster Conference in Accra.  

The event brought together Ghanaian clusters members, representatives from Ministries and Governmental Institutions, Sector Associations, the African Union Commission, the African Business Council, and representatives of the African Regional Economic Communities (RECs). International cluster practitioners contributed to present successful best practices to the attending partners.

Engaging discussions delved into how clusters can stimulate gender equality and private sector competitiveness and how Ghana’s clusters benefited from the approach in terms of improved production, compliancy to market requirements, market access and innovation.  

Representatives from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and of the Africa African Union Commissions highlighted the African private sector’s crucial role in promoting cluster development, emphasizing the need for collaborative efforts to unlock Africa’s potential to foster inclusive economic and industrial development in the continent. 

“SMEs are the backbone of Ghana economy and clusters are a pivotal tool to ensure that SMEs become stronger and competitive, ensuring the development of viable businesses capable to access new markets and generate revenues and jobs for the local communities” declared Mr. Kofi Addo, Chief Commercial Officer and Head of Government's flagship 'One District One Factory (1D1F) Initiative under the Ministry of Trade. 

“In a male dominated value chain, like the mango one, thanks to cluster development and effective collaboration at the local level, we could support men farmers to produce better fruits and strengthen women’s capacities to process fruits, generating additional revenues for the cluster, benefitting to all”, highlighted Sandra Snowden, CEO of Hendy Farms.

With more than 150 attendees, the conference provided a platform for knowledge sharing, networking, and collaboration, contributing to the growth of Ghanaian clusters and their impact on the region’s competitiveness. 


For more information, please contact Ebe Muschialli: e.muschialli [at] unido.org
