Creative space matter(s): a new Light Industry Training Centre will open its doors to light industry specialists in Yerevan

The UNIDO’s experience in promoting industrial development clearly shows that enabling environment with facilitated know-how and technology transfer is essential if modernization efforts are to bear any fruit and be sustainable. It is especially relevant for light industry manufacturers who must always keep an eye out for emerging trends in order to stay afloat.

As one of the fastest-growing sectors in the Armenian economy, light industry is becoming a priority focal point for the export-oriented industrial development strategy. Armenian manufacturers currently have all necessary preconditions for moving into design- and requirement-specific production that complies with the highest international standards. However, stepping up efforts to unleash the existing potential will require a sound capacity-building initiative.

The UNIDO Project "Improving competitiveness of export-oriented industries in Armenia through modernization and market access" has seen an active involvement of government agencies, which helps to ensure that implemented initiatives are supported on a sustained basis. Aiming to catalyze the light industries' performance, the Government of Armenia generously offered premises of approx. 400 sqm with potential provision of additional space to host a new Light Industry Training Centre in Yerevan. It will be established based on public-private sector cooperation model adopted by the Ministry of Economy of Armenia.

Light Industry Training Centre, established with the support of UNIDO, will serve as a major regional hub that will provide high-quality technical support services and training opportunities for local and international manufacturers and SMEs. It will also allow access to a broader pool of expertise in design, business improvement and marketing, which is expected to lead to higher competitiveness of enterprises and elevate Armenia's light sector position at the local and international markets.

The UNIDO project "Improving competitiveness of export-oriented industries in Armenia through modernization and market access", implemented with the financial support of the Government of the Russian Federation and in partnership with the Ministry of Economy of Armenia, has seen a series of enabling activities that helped to upgrade technical capacities in innovative fashion design, facilitate networking between textile/garment producers, designers of ready-made clothing, and ensure effective export promotion of Armenian garment and textile products.

For more information: Mr. Farrukh Alimdjanov (f.alimdjanov [at]


New Training Centre in Yerevan