Cooperation with ITC-ILO and WAIPA
UNIDO, as partner of the International Training Centre (ITC) of the ILO (International Labour Organization) and the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) has contributed to a morning session of the course “Effective investment facilitation and sustainable development” which took place from 9−13 April 2018 in Turin, Italy. The course was attended by 17 staff of investment promotion institutions from various countries such as Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Mauritius, Nigeria, Qatar, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda.
The presentations of UNIDO touched upon the following three major topics 1.) Investment monitoring for attaining the SDG; (2) Impact investing as emerging trend; and (3) Harnessing linkages through subcontracting and supplier development. The presentations triggered a lively debate on the day-to-day challenges of Investment Promotion Agencies to keep full track of the untapped potential of FDI in their respective countries through reinvested earnings or multiplier effects on domestic investments through joint venture formation or linkages with local suppliers.
The initiative with ITC-ILO is an outcome of the agreement reached with WAIPA to continue joint and practical capacity building work with Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs), similar to the one undertaken from 20 to 22 February 2018 in Istanbul (see training report available here) . It was agreed that more of such joint capacity building work should be undertaken with partners like ITC-ILO and WAIPA.
For more information, please contact: Mr. Stefan Kratzsch (S.Kratzsch [at]