Building successful vaccine manufacturing
As part of its ongoing work to support vaccine production in developing countries, UNIDO has produced a guidance document entitled “Building a Successful Vaccine Manufacturing Business in Lower and Middle Income Countries: Lessons from industry leaders and innovators". The publication presents insights from interviews conducted with six private sector executives who have played a key role in the rise of successful vaccine manufacturing firms in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). It offers valuable advice and lessons learned to those seeking to develop new vaccine manufacturing capabilities.
The objective of this work has been to highlight the common elements and factors that have driven successful and sustainable vaccine manufacturing enterprises in LMICs. The following topics are covered: evolution of the global vaccine industry over the past 50 years; case studies on the founding and growth of Serum Institute of India, Bio-Manguinhos of Brazil and Biovac of South Africa; foundational considerations for establishing or growing vaccine manufacturing capabilities.
The document is the latest addition to the growing library of UNIDO publications dedicated to strengthening the vaccine manufacturing industry in LMICs, which can be found here. It testifies to the Organization’s ongoing commitment to health industry development in support of building back better.
Read the publication here.
For further information contact Wilko von Klüchtzner (w.von-kluechtzner [at] (w[dot]von-kluechtzner[at]unido[dot]org))