Updated: Mar-06-2021

General Information

Type of service provider
Inspection body
Physical postal address

Unit C3, Arden Grove Racecourse Road Montague Gardens
Cape Town
South Africa

Phone number
+27 21 557 7438 / 021 557 7443 / 021 935 7960
info [at] tuv-sud.co.za
headoffice [at] avts.co.za
mark.gedult [at] tuv-sudre.co.za
Has the inspection body been accredited in any scopes?
Please indicate in which scope(s)?
ISO/IEC 17020:2012 (LIFT0020)

Accreditation body
South African National Accreditation System (SANAS)

Technical Information

Technical Information

Type of inspection performed
Categories of inspection in which the IB offers services
Inspection fields
Building and construction
Other inspection fields
Inspection of Lifts, Escalators and passenger Conveyors
Energy efficiency inspection for buildings, power plants, production plants, etc.
Infrastructure inspection (Building systems inspection, Electromechanical systems inspection, Security systems inspection, Bridges and engineering structures inspection, Cableway inspection, Highways and roads inspection, etc.)