Updated: Oct-29-2020

General Information

Type of service provider
Inspection body
Physical postal address

Cra. 92 N° 150A-86 Office 402
Bogota, ,

Phone number
+57 312 479 7631 / 313 284 4333 / 3132937793
contacto [at] colombiacrane.com
personal [at] colombiacrane.com
Has the inspection body been accredited in any scopes?
Please indicate in which scope(s)?
NTC-ISO 9001:2015, NTC-ISO 14001:2015, NTC ISO 17020:2012, NTC ISO 17024:2013 and NTC-OHSAS 18001:2007.
Accreditation body
National Accreditation Body of Colombia (ONAC)

Technical Information

Technical Information

Categories of inspection in which the IB offers services
Inspection fields
Building and construction
Details of inspection services offered
Main field
Building and construction
Mobile and railroad cranes; Articulated boom cranes; Double and single girder bridge cranes and gantries; Monorails and overhead cranes; Hanging hoists; Tower crane; Forklift, loaders and telehandler; Personnel carrier platforms; Basket truck; Side boom; Click; Heavy machinery; Lifting accessories