General Information

Type of service provider
Certification body
Physical postal address

Street 98 No 70 - 91 Office 915
Centro Empresarial Pontevedra
Bogotá, ,

Phone number
+57 1 2205217 / 7427655 / 318 265 1428
info [at]
managers.colombia [at]
Has the certification body been accredited in any scopes?
Please indicate in which scope(s)?
ISO/IEC 17065:2012 (09-CPR-005)

Accreditation body
National Accreditation Body of Colombia (ONAC)
Is the certification body a subsidiary of a foreign national or international certification body?

Technical Information


Type of certification
Product, process or service certification
Certification services offered
Type of certification
Product, process or service certification
Accreditation status
Technical area or economic sector/ activity
Wood and wood products / Chemicals, chemical products and fibres / Rubber and plastic products / Non-metallic mineral products / Basic metals and fabricated metal products / Machinery and equipment /Electrical and optical equipment / Other transport equipment / Manufacturing not elsewhere classified / Wholesale and retail trade; Repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods / Hotels and restaurants / Transport, storage and communication / Other services / Education / Health and social work / Other social services