Webinar: UNIDO guidelines for re-activation of the Colombian auto industry/Guia de recomendaciones - Reactivacion industrial
The webinar to be held on 16 April will be in Spanish and focus on the financial chapter of the guidelines and touch upon recommendations on how manage finances during the crisis period, how to change financial structures and budgeting, how to calculate working capital needs for a re-start of operations and how to calculate key financial indicators that are needed to take strategic decisions in this context.
The webinar will be held between 10:00-12:00 (COT or UTC-05) on 16 April 2020.
Registration Link: https://forms.gle/D53aNJxywqqNJeNSA
The recordings from the training held on 15 April 2020 can be found here.
This webinar constitutes part of a webinar series that go through the chapters of the UNIDO guidelines developed for the Colombian automotive industry to ensure that companies, which will restart production, do so by applying all possible measures to prevent contagion and protect the health of workers and customers, and ultimately ensure business continuity. The measures presented in the guide are based on good organizational practices and recommendations issued by health and business related authorities and organizations, that seek to support decision-making regarding the adjustments that have to be made during the industrial reactivation process. The guidelines touch upon topics such as hygiene and safety at workplace, quality assurance in times of reduced operations or working capital calculations for restarting production.