LKDF Forum 2021


The LKDF Forum 2021 will convene virtually on 22 September under the theme Digital Skills for an Inclusive Future, followed by a virtual hackathon on 23-24 September to build on the 2020 forum’s edition and compete to create the best green skills solution. The first day of the event will be open to the wider public, whereas the remaining days will be open only to selected applicants of the hackathon.

The audience will comprise a combination of officials, ranging from Ministers (Foreign Affairs, Industry, Trade and Commerce, etc.) and high-level dignitaries (such as Heads of United Nations agencies and International Organizations). The LKDF Forum especially gathers representatives from the private sector (companies, associations and organizations) , academia (universities and research institutions) and civil society, non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations.

The LKDF Forum thus provides a unique and diverse platform for the exchange of views on global industrial skills development. This mix will prove to be a stimulating basis for captivating debates; identifying issues and trends within the industrial skills development agenda, as well as innovative approaches and solutions, and realizing the fundamental role of industry for promoting growth and inclusivity.