Trade-related financial services - SLOVENIA

Information dated: 2017
Leveraging Private Flows for Development

Slovenia has used the following tools:

  • The Western Balkans Investment Facility;

  • EDF/European Investment Bank (EIB) own resources; and

  • The International Centre for Promotion of Enterprises.

Slovenia is also shareholder of several International Financial Institutions and International Development Banks (e.g. EIB, EBRD, IDB, CEB, WB Group…).

For more information:

Slovenian development cooperation, Slovenia, international_development_cooperation_and_humanitarian_assistance/

Slovenia Donor Profile, EU,

Special Review of Slovenia’s Development Cooperation (2011), 18 April 2012,

Trade Policy Review, Report by Slovenia, World Trade Organization (WTO), Trade Policy Review Body, WT/TPR/G/98, 17 April 2002