Trade Policy Development - UNIDO

Information dated: 2017
Development of national quality policy and strategy

This service builds the capacities of governments and industry-related institutions to improve their knowledge and the analytical skills required to formulate, implement and monitor export-oriented quality strategies and policies. The service helps to establish appropriate institutional arrangements within government structures to develop an SQMT infrastructure, policy measures, and support programmes. Such services build competence not only at national level but also within local authorities to enable them to devise coherent sectoral and local strategies for:

  • Policy-related economic analysis;
  • Policy formulation;
  • Policy implementation;
  • Policy monitoring and impact assessment.
Sectoral trade development studies

Sectoral trade development studies are prepared on the globalization and localization of value chains in industries of key importance for developing countries, such as food processing, textiles and garments, leather, furniture, biotechnology, automotive components and electronics. These studies assist developing countries and economies in transition to assess and benchmark the performances and the competitive position of their domestic industries, in particular with regard to trade and compliance challenges and, on that basis, develop strategies for innovation and entry into global value chains.


Michele CLARA

Senior Coordinator

Research and Policy Advice Division

Tel: +43 1 26026-3376

Fax: +43 1 26026-6859

E-mail: research [at] (research[at]unido[dot]org)

Industrial policy studies

Policy studies are prepared on key aspects of industrial governance. The objective is to help policy-makers and other stakeholders to improve the industrial governance system and the formulation, implementation, and monitoring of strategies, policies and programmes to enhance exports, productivity, innovation and learning. They also assist UNIDO in the formulation and implementation of technical assistance activities.

They are disseminated through a series of Policy Briefs and Working Papers.


Shyam Upadhyaya

Chief, Statistics Division

Tel: +43 1 26026-3494

Fax: +43 1 26026-6859

E-mail: stat [at] (stat[at]unido[dot]org)

Industrial statistics

UNIDO assists developing countries and countries with economies in transition to build capacities in the development of competitive productive supply capacities, both for domestic use and for regional or international trade, by providing technical assistance to:

  • Introduce best practice methodologies and software systems to monitor and assess productivity performance and use it as a guide for policy-making;
  • Enhance the quality and consistency of industrial statistics databases so as to provide meaningful inputs for assessing productivity and industrial performance.