Trade Policy Development - UN ECLAC

Information dated: 2017

Mario Cimoli

Officer in Charge of the International Trade and Integration Division

Tel: +56 2 210 2235

E-mail: Mario.Cimoli [at] (Mario[dot]Cimoli[at]cepal[dot]org)

Policy-making and policy implementation assistance

The global economy and the international trading system are facing significant challenges marked by the slow recovery after the 2008 global financial crisis, China’s reduced demand for imports, technological advances that are transforming industries and value chains, and increasing discontent with globalization and trade agreements. Collectively, these factors present a unique set of tasks for the region and highlight the importance of regional integration in Latin America and the Caribbean. The region should work towards promoting convergence between different regional integration mechanisms, creating a single digital market, implementing a regional infrastructure programme, developing regional value chains and speeding up the implementation of a trade facilitation agenda.

One of the main objectives of the Division of International Trade and Integration is to assist countries and policy makers in designing and implementing trade and trade-related policies to strengthen the role and competiveness of Latin American and Caribbean countries in international trade and the global economy in light of current trends. The research and analysis undertaken by the Division of International Trade and Integration includes trade negotiations, trade facilitation, trade in goods and services, regional and global value chains, regional integration and cooperation, and industrial policy and competitiveness, among others. Additionally, the Division is engaged in managing a large scale project that seeks to build an input-output table for the Latin American region in order for countries to effectively design and implement trade and industrial policies. Research analyses and results are offered through publications, seminars, workshops, technical assistance and capacity building. Beneficiaries of ECLAC’s work include government entities (Ministries and national institutions), regional integration schemes, private sector, business associations, chambers of commerce, academia, central banks, think tanks and civil society.

Activities throughout 2016 and early 2017 include publications, expert meetings, and advisory services and include:

  1. Publications
  • Latin America and the Caribbean in the World Economy: The region amid the tensions of globalization;
  • The South American Input-Output Table: Methodology and considerations;
  • Economic relations between Latin America and the Caribbean and China: Opportunities and Challenges; and
  • Report on the Labor Situation in Latin America and the Caribbean (jointly with the ILO).
  1. Expert Meetings
  • The Transpacific Partnership Agreement (TPP): Impacts upon Latin America and the Caribbean.