Trade Policy Development - Sweden

Information dated: 2017
International Training Programmes (ITP)

Sida supports several International Training Programmes (ITP), which promote the exchange of skills and experiences between Sweden and its partner countries and provide an array of trade and industry technical training. Courses are run in Sweden by Swedish institutions. The aim is to promote human resources development in low and middle-income countries by providing know-how in areas that are strategically important to partner countries and where Sweden has relevant expertise. Sida support ITPs in a number of trade-related areas, such as quality infrastructure and intellectual property.

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PSD-Hub in Ethiopia

PSD Hub (Private Sector Development) is a strategic tool to the Ethiopian business community. It has been assisting the efforts of the Ethiopian chamber system to improve the business climate and Ethiopia’s private sector development since 2005. The ECCSA (Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Association)/PSD Hub Phase III project, will focus on two components, namely ECCSA capacity building to attain financial sustainability by focusing on its core activities of providing demand-led services for business community and PSD research, policy and advocacy to the government on matters of policy and regulations that affect the ability of the Ethiopian private sector generally, and impact upon jobs and income to the poor and women more specifically.

Trade Policy Training Centre in Africa (Trapca)

Sweden has supported the establishment of a trade policy training centre – Trapca – in Arusha, Tanzania. Trapca was established in 2006 as a joint initiative of the Eastern and Southern Africa Management Institute (ESAMI) and Lund University of Sweden, with funding from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA). The institute manages courses in trade policy at many levels and aims to build and enhance capacity in trade policy matters in least-developed and other developing countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Trapca has established itself as a valuable training centre, and about 6000 students from almost 50 countries have so far graduated.

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Trade Law Centre for Southern Africa (Tralac)

Sweden is contributing to the financing of Tralac. Tralac is a capacity-building organization developing trade-related capacity in east and southern Africa. Adopting an inter-disciplinary approach, Tralac aims to enhance the trade law and policy capacity in this region. Tralac works with governments and non-state actors; these include private sector and civil society organizations.

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WTO Doha Development Agenda Global Trust Fund (DDAGTF

Sweden is a major contributor to the DDAGTF and contributes with SEK 16 000 000/USD 1 800 000 in 2017. The DDAGTF finances the implementation of the WTO Annual TA Plan, which aims to enhance the ability to developing countries to participate effectively in and fully benefit from the WTO negotiations.

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Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF)

Sweden is one of the largest contributors to the EIF, a multi-donor programme which supports LDCs to be more active players in the global trading system by helping them tackle supply-side constraints to trade. In this way, the programme works towards a wider goal of promoting economic growth and sustainable development and contributing to lift more people out of poverty. The programme is currently helping 51 poorest countries worldwide, supported by a multi-donor trust fund, the EIF Trust Fund, with contributions from 23 donors.

Sweden is also the Chair of the EIF Steering Committee; the global body made up of International Agencies, LDCs, Donors, and Observers that advice and guide the delivery and progress of the EIF programme.

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Trade Academy

Trade Academy is an advanced course held annually by the National Board of Trade. It targets primarily civil servants from developing countries who are working with trade policy in the public sector. The programme provides comprehensive knowledge of modern trade and trade regulations, as well as expertise in analyzing, formulating and implementing trade policy. The class of 2016/17 consisted of 24 participants from nine different countries.

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The MENA-OECD Competitiveness Programme

The project was launched in 2005 by the OECD at the request of the Middle East and North African (MENA) governments. The programme supports reforms in private sector development and investment in the region, and the 2017-2019 phase covers women’s economic empowerment, investment and trade, SME and entrepreneurship policy, corporate governance, private sector mobilization and social dialogue, corporate integrity, and economic resilience. To achieve its objective, the programme adopts a horizontal approach to policy dialogue and consensus building, the experience and good practices, peer learning and capacity building for the identification, implementation, and monitoring of business climate reforms. Sida funded the second and third phases of the programme.

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