Trade Policy Development - Russian Federation

Information dated: 2015
Assisting the Government of the Republic of Belarus in Accession to the World Trade Organization through Strengthening National Institutional Capacity and Expertise

Since 2008, Russia has been supporting the UNDP project Assisting the Government of the Republic of Belarus in Accession to the World Trade Organization through Strengthening National Institutional Capacity and Expertise, which has seen two phases (2008-2010 and 2010-2012) and is currently in a third phase. The project consists of three main components: organization and conducting of analytical studies related to the accession of Belarus to the WTO; improvement of institutional capacity through transferring the knowledge and skills necessary during and after Belarus’ accession to the WTO; and circulation of information to the business community and the public about the objectives, benefits and risks of Belarus’ accession to the WTO.

Trade supported by IDA

Trade is being supported by IDA through programmes to develop national, regional and international trade and infrastructure linkages, especially in regions and sub-regions where domestic markets are small and intra-regional trade is underdeveloped, and to help poor countries develop capacity for trade policy formulation and negotiation.