Supply capacity - UNCTAD

Information dated: 2017
The BioTrade initiative

This initiative is aimed at stimulating trade and investment in biodiversity-based products in developing countries to promote sustainable development in line with the three objectives of the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD):

  • Conservation of biological diversity;

  • Sustainable use of its components; and

  • Fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources.

    The initiative collaborates closely with various actors, including government, the private sector, NGOs, local and indigenous communities, and academia, to set up programmes that enhance the capability of developing countries to produce value-added products and services derived from biodiversity for both domestic and international markets.

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    Capacity building in FDI statistics

    The UNCTAD work programme on FDI Statistics documents and analyses global and regional trends in FDI, and assist developing countries in formulating FDI policies based on quality FDI data, and information of TNCs operating in the region or the country:

    Core data products and services: UNCTAD addresses countries’ data needs through its analysis and dissemination of foreign direct investment (FDI) statistics, and by enhancing the capacity of government agencies to collect and report FDI and TNC data. The organization maintains the largest global databases on FDI and TNC activities, containing information on more than 200 economies covering a period of 40 years, and has acquired a reputation as the most authoritative international source on FDI/TNC data. The system also comprises other analytical and statistical tools, including the bilateral FDI database on flows and stocks, and the FDI Country Profiles and Country Fact Sheets (available for 188 economies) that feature the latest data on mergers and acquisitions, largest TNCs, and regulatory changes.

    Global Investment monitors: To help policymakers formulate development-oriented investment policies, UNCTAD regularly monitors the level, structure, and evolution of global investment and investment policies. The online product has, from the outset, been recognized as a valuable resource by the international investment community and the global media, generating an average of 400 press clippings per issue. Moreover, UNCTAD prepares monitoring reports for specific regional groupings and global summits, such as the Reports on G20 Investment Measure

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    International Investment Agreements (IIAs) - Supply Capacity

    UNCTAD’s work on issues relating to IIAs aims at enabling beneficiary countries to participate as effectively as possible in international discussions on – and negotiations of – IIAs, and to harness the development potential of these agreements. This is achieved through:


  • Advisory services providing legal commentary, training and advice on issues in IIAs and the issue of managing investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS), as well as other implementation-related questions.


  • Research-based policy advice including through policy tools such as the IIAs Issues Series, International Investment Policy Series and the IIAs Monitors, as well as reports to requesting countries and regional organizations.


  • Information provision through databases on bilateral investment treaties, other international agreements with investment components, and investor-State dispute settlement cases.


  • Maintenance and backstopping of an international e-network and online discussion forum for IIAs negotiators and practitioners.


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    Investment promotion and facilitation

    UNCTAD’s services in this area target investment promotion agencies and other institutions that facilitate and promote investment at the regional, national and subnational levels. The programme provides advisory services and training packages for investment promotion agencies and diplomats and organizes investment promotion and networking events. The programme especially encourages green investment through capacity-building activities, the exchange of best practices, strategic advice and special tools, such as its online green FDI platform. The UNCTAD annual Investment Promotion Awards also recognize outstanding achievements in promoting FDI in sustainable development.

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  • Investment guides and i-guides

    The online iGuides provide up-to-date information on the business and investment climate in countries with often unfamiliar investment environments and under-reported opportunities for investment. iGuide installations are key capacity-building projects for developing country investment authorities, enabling them to autonomously monitor changes in their investment climate and to reflect them in their investor communications

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    Corporate social responsibility and the sustainable stock exchanges Initiative:

    The Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE) initiative is a peer-to-peer learning platform for exploring how exchanges (in collaboration with investors, regulators, and companies) can promote responsible investment for sustainable development. Launched by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon in New York City in 2009, the SSE is a UN initiative, co-organized by UNCTAD (Investment and Enterprise Division), the UN Global Compact, the United Nations Environment Programmes Finance Initiative, and the Principles for Responsible Investment.The SSE initiative invites exchanges globally to become a Partner Stock Exchange within the SSE by making a voluntary public commitment to promote improved environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosure and performance among listed companies. In addition, the SSE welcomes participation from securities regulators, investors, companies and other key stakeholders within its Consultative Group.

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