Supply capacity - ILO

Information dated: 2017

Farid Hegazy

Global Coordinator/Enabling Environment for Sustainable Enterprises

Enterprises Department

Tel: +41 22 799 6475,

Web : hegazy [at] (hegazy[at]ilo[dot]org)

Upon the request of its constituents, the ILO is providing a diversity of services to enhance and improve trade-related supply capacity. These are aimed at improvement of the business environment, skills development for trade and economic diversification, sustaining competitive and responsible enterprises, workplace practices and value chain development, as follows:

Enabling Environment for Sustainable Enterprises (EESE)

The aim of this service is to assess and enhance the business environment in which small enterprises develop in a manner that serves employment goals. The service provides policy guidance to ILO Constituents, technical cooperation and international advocacy aimed at enhancing the employment creation potential of enterprises and ensuring appropriate levels of regulation. It focuses on those areas that are specifically relevant to small enterprises. Under this area of work the ILO also handles related topics such as Red Tape Assessments and Enterprise Formalization. The service is provided through direct technical assistance, training, and the dissemination of information.

The ILO collaborates with other agencies through the Donor Committee for Enterprise Development (specifically the Working Group on Business Environment Reform, which is chaired by the ILO), and the drafting of comprehensive guidance for donor agencies.

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