South-south and triangular cooperation - WIPO

Information dated: 2017

WIPO headquarters

34, chemin des Colombettes

Geneva, Switzerland

PO Box 18

1211 Geneva 20

Tel: +41 22 338 9111

Fax: +41 22 733 5428

South – South and Triangular Cooperation aim at capitalizing the acquired experiences of developing countries and to contribute to the development of other developing countries. The objective is not to replace the traditional North – South Cooperation, but to complement it. The main function of WIPO is to create an adequate environment for the implementation of South - South and Triangular Cooperation in the field of IP for the benefit of developing countries and the LDCs Member States. Furthermore, it should facilitate the mutually-beneficial exchanges that underpin South-South and Triangular Cooperation.


  • We act as a catalyst for South-South and triangular cooperation. This may include:
  • exchanging experiences
  • pooling, sharing and using resources
  • developing complementary capacities among developing countries and LDCs
  • planning a project of common interest.


All our projects are developed in response to requests from our member states.