Physical Trade Infrastructure - AfDB

Information dated: 2015

The Director

Infrastructure Development

Department (ONIF)

African Development Bank

Tel: +216 71 10 3280,

+216 71 10 2034

Fax: +216 71 33 3364,

+216 71 33 1759

E-mail: f.kassahun [at],

g.mbesherubusa [at],

j.rwamabuga [at],

a.kies [at],

a.t.diallo [at]

Transport infrastructure

Africa’s current very defective transport network prevents the countries of the region from being competitive, especially on the world market. Most of the Bank’s resources, the bulk of which go into infrastructure development, end up in road infrastructure—always a major part of its funding of the region’s infrastructure. Energy, too, has always been a major focus for the§ Bank, whereas the development of port and rail and communication technology involves new undertakings.

For more information:

AfDB has identified a number of sectoral priorities for the transport sector, and has decided to focus its financing on:

  • Regional transport corridors;
  • Rural roads;
  • Structuring projects that permit the integration of different modes of transport;
  • Rehabilitation and maintenance programmes;
  • Institutional and maintenance capacity building;
  • Promoting public-private partnerships and multi-sectoral projects.

For more information:

Information and communication technology (ICT)

AfDB’s ICT operations strategy is to make an important contribution to poverty reduction and the economic growth of regional member countries (RMCs) by increasing the Bank’s role in extending access to ICT infra­structure, stimulating private sector investment and, ultimately, enhancing good governance and the effi­cient delivery of public services, like education and health, thus contributing to the achievement of the MDGs.

For more information:


The Director


Regional Integration and

Trade Department (ONRI)

Tel: +216 71 10 2025,

+216 71 10 2156,

+216 71 10 3477

Fax: +216 71 33 2694

E-mail: A.Rugamba [at]

NEPAD-Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility (IPPF)

This facility assists African countries, regional economic communities, specialized agencies and related institutions, through grant resources, in:

  • high quality and viable regional/continental infrastructure projects to be ready to solicit financ­ing from public and private sources;
  • a consensus and partnership for project implementation;
  • infrastructure projects and programmes which would promote regional integration and trade.