Market and trade information - UN ECLAC
Mario Cimoli
Officer in Charge of the International Trade and Integration Division
Tel: +56 2 210 2235
E-mail: Mario.Cimoli [at] (Mario[dot]Cimoli[at]cepal[dot]org)
This SIGCI tool aims to disseminate information on the evolution of Latin American and the Caribbean trade relations with the world in terms of composition and trade direction. It offers insights into the countries’ export and import intensity and facilitates the analysis of different product groupings like environmentally sensitive industries or high-technology goods. This tool is highly relevant and useful because it allows governments, researchers, students and civil society to understand the past trends and current trade flows of Latin American and Caribbean countries which, in turn, allow policy makers to design and implement more effective strategies. This tool is available online and is updated annually with statistical data based on raw statistics from the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) Comtrade database