Legal and Regulatory Framework - UN ECLAC

Information dated: 2017

Mario Cimoli

Officer in Charge of the International Trade and Integration Division

Tel: +56 2 210 2235

E-mail: Mario.Cimoli [at]

Integrated database of trade disputes for Latin America and the Caribbean

The Integrated database of trade disputes for Latin America and the Caribbean (IDATD) is a database that provides substantive and procedural information of trade disputes filed in the World Trade Organization as well as regional integration systems such as MERCOSUR, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), and the Central American Common Market (CACM). The objective is to provide information and analysis about trade disputes to ECLAC member states, the private sectors, academics and civil society. The information and analysis contained in IDATD has been used in workshops, conferences, seminars, technical missions, and academic research.

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