Legal and Regulatory Framework - Netherlands

Information dated: 2017
Netherlands — WTO Trainee Programme

The Netherlands contributed to train negotiators from the poorest developing countries and transfer target knowledge on the various areas of activity of the WTO system (including agriculture and with an increase in the Dutch contribution to capacity development in food security). This assistance will help build capacity for developing countries to participate in the multilateral trading system, advance their interests, and conclude and implement agreements.


The ACWL gives free legal advice and training on WTO law and provides support in WTO dispute settlement proceedings at discounted rates. These services are available to the developing country Members of the ACWL (30 at present) and to LDCs that are Members of the WTO or are in the process of acceding to the WTO (43 at present). The ACWL enables these countries to obtain a full understanding of their rights and obligations under WTO law and to have an equal opportunity to defend their interests in WTO dispute settlement proceedings.

Netherlands Chair Program (NCP)

The NCP supports seven universities with the goal to install a WTO-chair and a WTO-department at these universities. The goal is to increase understanding about the functioning of the WTO in the regions where the universities are located.